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Miss Muffet 04-12-2006 02:28 PM

Animals Beginning With 'B'
I'm trying to compile a concise list of animals (not bird or fish types) so we can have a 'database'. I'll add a new letter every few days, if you can all add onto the thread we should create a veritable zoo!:D


Baboon - Gelarda
Bactrian Deer
Bald/Red Uakari
Ball Python
Baluchistan Bear
Banded Anteater/Numbat
Banded Hare Wallaby
Bandicoot/Bilby – Barred, Desert, Lesser Rabbit, Pig-Footed, Rabbit
Barbary Deer
Barbary Hyena
Barbary Serval
Barbary Stag
Barnard’s Wombat
Barred Bandicoot/Bilby
Basilisk/Jesus Lizard
Basking Shark
Bat – Blossom, Bulldog Fish-Eating, Bulmer’s Fruit, Bumblebee, Fruit, Grey, Hawaiian Hoary, Horseshoe, Indiana, Lesser Long-Nosed, Little Mariana Fruit, Long-Nosed, Mariana Fruit, Mexican Long-Nosed, Ozark Big-Eared, Pipistrel, Rodrigues Fruit, Singapore Roundleaf Horseshoe, Vampire, Virginia Big-Eared
Bear, American Black, Baluchistan, Black, Brown, Grizzly, Italian Brown, Koala, Kodiak, Louisiana Black, Mexican Grizzly, Polar, Sun
Bearded Saki Monkey
Beetle – Atlas, Darkling, Dung, Citrus Longhorn, Firefly/Lightning Bug, Ground, Ladybird/bug, Leaf, Stag.
Beluga Whale
Bighorn Sheep
Big Red/Granrojo Jellyfish
Bison – Wood
Black-Backed/Silver-Backed Jackal
Black Bear
Black Caiman
Black Colobus Monkey
Black-Faced Impala
Black-Footed Cat
Black-Footed Ferret
Black Grouse
Black Howler Monkey
Black Rhinoceros
Black Uakari
Black Widow Spider
Blind Snake – Common, Jan’s, Lanka, Malcom’s, Pied, Smith’s, Stolicza’s, Taylor’s, Veddha’s, Violet
Blubber Jellyfish
Bluebottle Jellyfish
Blue/Little Penguin
Blue Morpho Butterfly
Blue Shark
Blue-Tongued Skink
Blue Whale
Boa Constrictor – Guyana Red-Tailed, Madagascar, Tree
Bonobo/Pygmy Chimp
Bornean Bay Cat
Bottle-Nose Dolphin
Bowhead Whale
Box Jellyfish
Box Turtle
Brazilian/South American Tapir
Brazilian Three-Toed Sloth
Brindled Nail-Tailed Wallaby
Brimstone Butterfly
Brown Bear
Brown Capuchin Monkey
Brown House Snake
Brown Hyena
Brush-Tailed Rat-Kangaroo
Buena Vista Lake Ornate Shrew
Buff-Headed Marmoset
Buffy Tufted-Ear/White-Eared Marmoset
Bufo Marinus Toad
Bug – Assassin, Harlequin, Lightning, Pondskater
Bulldog Fish-Eating Bat
Bull Shark
Bulmer’s Fruit Bat
Bumblebee Bat
Burmese Cat
Burmese Python
Bush Dog
Bushmaster Snake
Butterfly – Blue Morpho, Brimstone, Cabbage White, Fritillary, Monarch, Orange Tip, Oregon Silverspot, Painted Lady, Peacock, Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing, Red Admiral, Swallowtail, Tiger Swallowtail, Ulysses, Viceroy, Xerces Blue, Zebra Longwing, Zebra Swallowtail.

:badger: :monkey: :bear: :snake: :butterfly :bumblebee :ant: :bat: :ladybug: :dolphin:

jen 04-17-2006 10:26 PM

babirusa (looks like a wild boar)

cybertwin 04-19-2006 08:24 PM

thought of one just as putting my two to bed - BOYS!!

Miss Muffet 04-19-2006 08:41 PM


Little Pixies 04-20-2006 08:36 AM

How about a boa constricta??? dunno if i spelt it right the snake i mean hehehe?

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