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ReJoAv94 09-24-2018 10:50 PM

explain stages of imaginative play
Keep thinking I'm so close to finishing and my tutor then sends me back work :arghhhhh !!!!!

I was asked to 'explain the stages of imaginative play for children'.
I googled this and tried to carry out extensive research, however I did not come across anything that gave imaginative play in stages.
Obviously role-play is part of imaginative play, but what else!?

So so drained from this course and just can't wait to finish it :SOS help:SOS help:SOS help:SOS help:question help:question help:question help:question help

Ruthierhyme 09-25-2018 12:03 PM

4 stages of creativity - 5 stages of creative development
Hi, you need to clarify with your tutor what research or theorist you're meant to be looking at. When they reply, if you find the time please post back with what you find out xx

Depending on the teaching materials you may be looking at Graham Wallas, who in his 1926 book The Art of Thought (1926) proposed a 4 stage model of creativity

1. Preparation
2. Incubation
3. Illumination (which he also states 'may be called intimation Q. Page viii)
4. Verification

His work focusses on creativity as a process - how new ideas emerge.

To help understand his theory the 5 stages of creative development are examined as
  1. Preparation
  2. Incubation
  3. Intimitation
  4. Insight
  5. Verification
His work alos focusses on the importance of the unconcious mind and the importance of rest as a componenet in solving problems.

Sleep Council and NHS how much sleep do children need

The Best Play publication on explains Imaginative play as;

Play where the conventional rules, which govern the physical world, do not apply. For example imagining you are, or pretending to be, a tree or ship, or patting a dog which isn't there.

and from page 3 the CYPW CYPOP 7 chapter

Creativity is about seeing things in a new way and putting ideas together differently, so that a new idea emerges. It depends on the imagination – the images inside your head.

The creative process and creation

Creativity has two parts:
The creative process (incubation) – children gather ideas, simmer them and become aware that they have an idea they want to do something with.

Creation – the idea hatches, emerges and takes form with a surge of energy, which sometimes makes the creator feel rather uncomfortable and restless. This means it is easy to lose the

Sometimes creative ideas take a long time to develop.

They incubate for different lengths of time, depending on the child or adult incubating them, before the act of creation as the idea takes form and
is hatched.

The first creations of children are usually based on:
  • variations on a theme
  • doing the same thing over and over, in different places and with different materials.

Developing Young Children's Creativity by Caroline Sharp
is a good read xx

Hth, best wishes

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