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Smee 04-25-2012 10:30 PM

HSC 3045 2.4 2.5..... Writer's block!!
Hi all..... I'm a bit stuck on HSC 3045 2.4 Explain the importance of maintaining a person or child-centred approach when establishing proactive strategies, and 2.5 Explain the importance of reinforcing positive behaviour with individuals. I kind of understand the questions but not sure what to write... Bloomin' writer's block!!!:duh:

Oh and HSC 3045 AC 2.3 Explain the importance of identifying patterns of behaviour or triggers to challenging behaviour when establishing proactive or reactive strategies to be used...... Think I need my bed :-S
Any help would be much appreciated, tia :With love:

mrsnoah 04-27-2012 06:44 PM

Hi hopefully this will help get you started:

Challenging behaviour is a very individual thing, the causes and triggers differ according to each individual, as do the reactions and their degrees of severity. It is therefore important that when planning strategies for dealing with challenging behaviour we ensure that they are just as individual as the triggers.
No two people will respond in the same way to established strategies. Rather than attempting a ‘one size fits all’ approach you are showing an ability to adapt and respond. This shows that you can identify and recognise each individual’s strengths, incorporate them into your planning and build on them. It tells the child or young person you are supporting that they have recognisable value and worth and that no matter how challenging their behaviour may be there is always something positive to build on

Children have an inborn desire to please people and gain approval, if they don’t get this through the acknowledgement of positive behaviour they are more likely to use negative or challenging behaviour. By reinforcing positive behaviour you are encouraging children to seek attention as a result of appropriate rather than inappropriate behaviour.
Focusing on negative behaviour will only trigger your own frustrations and aggression causing you to exhibit exactly the behaviour you are striving to stop. By focusing on reinforcing positive behaviour you are therefore modelling the kind of behaviour you feel is appropriate because you are calm, focused and feeling positive.

best wishes
mrs noah

Smee 04-27-2012 07:26 PM

Thanks Mrs Noah! I don't suppose you can help with 2.3 too please? x

mrsnoah 04-27-2012 07:51 PM

Hi - here's a few more bits to help your thinking cells!

It is important that we try to identify patterns of behaviour or triggers because:
• It can reveal what the child or young person gets (what need is being met) through their behaviour.
• Allows you to learn about the child before you intervene.
• It can identify the reasons behind their change in behaviour
• Can reveal whether the same trigger is being experienced by more than one child
• Can help identify the situations where challenging or negative behaviour doesn’t occur and provide possible areas of solution.
best wishes
mrs noah

Smee 04-27-2012 08:43 PM

Thanks, you've been a great help!! I might finally be able to get this finished and handed in next week :) x

Hannahlj13 07-27-2013 05:01 PM

thanks that help me

muma-of-2 11-21-2013 03:18 PM

Thanks Mrs Noah, really helped me too!!

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