Silkysteps early years forum - planning ideas for play

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ladybird 03-11-2008 04:50 PM

314 k3c424
What's wrong with me:hissyfit: I can't think how to word this, my mind is totally blank ! How differences between current best practice and parental wishes an be resolved amicably and in the best interests of the child? Any thoughts would be greatly apprieciated x :muted:

Ruthierhyme 03-11-2008 06:21 PM

lol :D it's not you :With love:

Best practice is what's in place and happening now. Parental/Carer wishes can challenge any best practice just by asking a question !

By finding out what the Parent/carer wants - you can discover how & if it can be accommodated - If it's in the Child's best interest and what all the reasons/potential issues surrounding it are !

Best practice is a term used for something that works well for the majority, and is adaptable to needs. This can be County to County - Country to Country !! It doesn't (& can't) always reflect individual group needs .. in amending it you are making your own Best practice policy, which others might be able to share & adopt!

This is a possible situation where a question/wish may challenge best practice:

'Can you please open to let the Children in at 5.30am ?' - Request is made by a Parent who has a new work shift from 5.45am onwards ...
What's your current practice and why is or isn't opening up earlier ( or later :wide-eyed ) possible ?

Would you be able to tell the parent the reasons why this is/isn't possible at the time of the question or would you need to check & clarify things ?

How would you invite the parent back to explain the situation.
What actions might be put into place because of the question, would the parent be informed of updates and again how would that happen.

Which other members of staff or external network members would you speak to - taking into account anything that might be confidential.

Are the decisions reached in the best interest of the child.

Anyone - not just parents, are entitled to be informed when a question has been raised.
The question asked might be in relation to help & guidance so that the Parent/Carer can continue with their own arrangments - it may also be that they are interested/concerned/possibly angry or curious as to the question's answer and its reasons.

Amicably resolve would mean without aggression - what approach would be needed to resolve a problem without both sides becoming frustrated or disappointed.
What, if any actions plans may need to be formed if the matter requires more input from others. How is everyone informed at the possible delay or time scale involved ?

I'm sure there's lots more but hope that's a start :smile:

ladybird 03-12-2008 01:19 PM

thank so much
:applause: Thanks soooo much, that is such a help. I would love to know if 'they' actually want us to pass the course, with their complex wording. You are an angel, I'm meant to be having a week off, to spring clean hee hee-that's not happening. Where does the time go...
sending the biggest bunch of flowers to you....x

Ruthierhyme 03-12-2008 01:50 PM

lol .. you are very welcome & I can assure you they do want you to pass :D lol

The wording is 'best practice in itself .. sooo open, flexible and indesciminating that it allows for absolutely anything under it's immediate title !! The problem that throws up is how to give good guidelines that everyone can use when individual tutoring services aren't directly available.

Have fun with the Spring cleaning .. if you happen to come across a Spider ask if it fancies popping over here for a photo session :D


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