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-*kerry*- 04-21-2013 04:03 PM

Cyp 3.3 1.2
hello guys.
I am finding this question quite difficult. so far i have put

Child protection isn’t just about protecting children from abuse, there is a lot more we have to do to ensure that children are safe. This could be things such as ensuring risk assessments are done when taking part in activities, this ensures that they activity which is being done is safe for the children. There could be a risk that the child can get hurt, but may still be done if the benefit out ways the risk e.g. children playing on a climbing frame, there is a risk that the child could fall and hurt themselves, but the child could learn how to climb a rock wall, and also how to go down the slide safely. In this case the befit out ways the risk.
Another way we protect children is ensuing they are receiving the correct medical care in which is needed, this could be a child falling within the pre-school, we ensure we treat them correctly, according to the injury. But is also ensuring they see doctors/ nurses if needed. This is down to the parent/ carer to ensure that they child is healthy, and if not that they are receiving medical care.
This is also ensuring that the environment that the child is in is safe. This could be making sure that there are no broken toys or equipment in the rooms the children are in. making sure that the surrounding are safe so that children cannot go missing e.g. having fences and gates that are lockable outside, making sure doors are closed within the setting and that the door which lead to outside are not able to be opened by the children. This is also ensuring that electrical items are safe e.g. no wires around where children can get them and hurt themselves, plug covers in the sockets.

I know it needs more but really dont know what else to add!
if anybody could please help!!

kerry-lou 04-21-2013 08:52 PM

hia this is what ive wrote but aint had it back from my assessor yet so don't know if it's correct or not.

Child protection is part of the wider work to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. It refers to the actions that are undertaken to protect children and young people who may be and are suffering from any form of abuse or neglect. It also involves protecting children and young people from maltreatment and preventing weakening of a child’s health and development by ensuring children are raised in positive circumstances by providing safe and caring environments.

Every person that works with children and young people all have a responsibility to keep the children and young people safe. The requirement to keep them safe, and to protect them from significant harm must always come first. The guidance from Every Child Matters framework reminds us that:
‘All those who come into contact with children and their families
in their everyday work, including practitioners who do not have a
specific role in relation to safeguarding children, have a duty to
safeguard and promote the welfare of children’.

For some children, universal services like early years education and health visiting are not enough to ensure their healthy, safe and happy development. These children may be vulnerable and may experience emotional difficulties, fall behind in the development or learning. The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) exists to support children and families with help and advice for a brief period.

Some children are subject to an inter-agency child protection plan. These children are considered to be at risk of significant harm without the requirement of additional services as well as close and careful monitoring by specialist children’s social workers.

All this work with children and families falls under the umbrella term of safeguarding. The Government has defined safeguarding as:
‘the process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing
impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are
growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe
and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances
and enter adulthood successfully’.

All early years settings and schools must nominate a member of staff to oversee safeguarding and child protection. This person must be specifically trained to undertake this role. The whole team must work together to promote children’s welfare and keep them safe.

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