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feehunter 10-15-2020 08:11 AM

Kinds of plants you're growing this pandemic
Hi there,

There are growing numbers of people who are into plants during these pandemic, even our co-teachers, co-workers have decided to start growing their own collection of plants in their backyard as their hobby.

I myself started planting different kinds of vegetables in our backyard and then later used those to teach my students the benefits of veggies while introducing each of my veggie plants to them.

So aside from veggie plants, anyone here started collecting their own plants? All is welcome!

whooshfencing 11-23-2020 10:32 AM

I was actually had no choice since isolation was taking a toll on me, that's why I started helping my mom taking care of her orchids. In all honesty, it's been quite a good time taking responsibility for my mom's plants. I didn't think that I would be this happy to say this. Lol

Bronlearn 01-06-2021 01:21 PM

What's the best vegetable that you can grow in your own backyard easily? Curious to know which of the vegetables around can be grown with low maintenance.

feehunter 01-20-2021 02:08 PM

Luffa Silk Squash is the best for me for the reason that I can use this very nutritious veggy in majority of my dishes. And it grows fast and produce lots of fruits! You should check this out!

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