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Muggy 11-26-2006 10:45 PM

Have you heard of this one?
Has anyone heard of the CACHE Level 3 Certificate of Professional Development (Working with Children and Young People with Special Needs)?

I already have NVQ3 in EYCE, and want to do the Foundation degree next year (didn't start it this year as have taken on a new role as Preschool manager, so thought I would get my head round that first!!:spin:)

Just wondered if anyone thought this 20 week course was worthwhile, or if there would be a lot of stuff I would have already covered in the NVQ3, or will probably cover in the F.D.

:fryingpan Oh, I said I was going to give myself a year off studying :reading: but when I saw this one, I was very tempted!! What do you all think!?!?!?!?!?!

cybertwin 11-27-2006 07:51 AM

not heard of it at all,
sounds as if you may cover stuff that you have already done, but also may give a basic knowledge for you FD next year. (get ready for a shock! started mine this year and they gave us an essay on the first day!!)

it prob would not hurt to do the course, or give yourself time to get used to your new role!

Muggy 11-27-2006 11:35 AM

Thanks for your reply Cybertwin!

I am so torn though!

On one hand, I think I should I keep my hand in at studying so I don't get out of the swing of things too much ready for next September! But on the other hand, a bit of time off from it all would be nice!!!

I hate making decisions about which socks to wear every day, never mind biggies like this!

Erm, I'll have to be a bit more decicive.. I think!?!:sarcastic

cybertwin 11-27-2006 01:33 PM

i can see your point,
good to keep your hand in, but FD is a good 5 years with conversions so would take a lot if time
there is also a lot of reading etc to do each week so does take up a lot of time, and personal study
so time off before might be good to catch up on things at home and work, epscially as your new to role and must be things you want to change
i would find this a hard one to decide too

Muggy 11-27-2006 03:01 PM

I will ponder my decision, but I think having a bit of time off studying in order to get my head around this new role is starting to seem more of a favourable option.

I think if I took on too much my head would explode!:bomb: I want to do our preschool proud and if I took on too much I might end up letting them down. And of course I have my own family to take into consideration.

Surely I won't 'forget' how to study! Will I?! :reading:

Thankyou for your advice Cybertwin!!! x

cybertwin 11-27-2006 04:44 PM

not a problem, gald could help a little

i dont think you will forget how to study, anyhow getting the preschool how you want it is like studying anyway!

Muggy 11-27-2006 08:21 PM


There is so much to LEARN, READ, DO, WRITE, PRINT, KEEP ON TOP OF, MAKE, DISCUSS..... Aaaargh!! LOVE IT! :dizzy:

strawberrykisses 01-23-2007 04:14 AM

what did you do in the end?

sorry im nosey :sorry:

Muggy 01-24-2007 05:41 PM

You're not being nosy! Its nice that someone is interested!!!:smile:

I decided against it in the end. I just thought, new role, lots of paperwork and prep, etc, AND my house is now in the middle of being extended, so I also have that to contend with. I am pleased with my decision.. there is only so much a working mother can take on really!

I will think about doing the FD in Sept. I was under the impression I could do it in 2 years (one day a week at college). Then another 2 years on top to make it up to a full degree. Is that right?

cabin 02-01-2007 04:22 PM

Hello new to site - but wait a minute muggy r u my long lost sister!!!!!!
I've just started new job in pre-school and in the the middle of serious house reconstruction!!!

I did a cahce level three a few years ago, Working with children with SEN, - we did it over a year, interesting and I must admit looks good for personal developement and very useful as SENCo co-ordinator.
I started my FD this year (sept 06) and am doing it at local college over two years - with a variety of top up options offered- hard work but worth it.

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