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cabin 05-10-2007 09:04 PM

Washing powder bags?
I've just found this section, after reading about the use of medcine spoons.. and now I have a question-

Any suggestions (polite!) as to what I could use washing powder bags for?????? I've loads and I just can't throw them away!

Have tried hanging the soap in them - but the children kept taking in out:banghead:

Tries 'weaving' coloured wool through them - good idea but not for my age group 2-5s :irked:


Ruthierhyme 05-10-2007 10:45 PM

How about 'treasure bags? maybe tie a coloured or shaped label to each one (or name of the day ?) and hang them up somewhere, give the children clues as to where they can find it, am wondering what you could put into the bags though :D lol

Another idea is to store or group plastic animals etc in them, again maybe with a picture of the animal on the outside of the bag ~ working on the theory that children love taking out & putting in ... when they want to that is !!

Also curious as to what playdough, paint or silly putty would be like if squeezed out though them :wide-eyed ?

cybertwin 05-11-2007 07:12 AM

we have just made fishing nets out of these for the water area, using a lolly stick for the handle. suck on with pva it does say on.
leave the bag open and they can catch small things, beads small laminated pictures etc

Miss Muffet 05-11-2007 02:22 PM

I've never used one of these bags so I don't know how big the holes are! :blush:

If they're not too big could you fill them with herbs and spices etc for smell sensory area?

cybertwin 05-11-2007 05:42 PM

you could use fresh herbs, the dried variety would fall through the holes, they are a bt big, uuummmm like.....hole punch hole size?

but fressh herbs would work well fab idea

cabin 05-11-2007 06:38 PM

thanks for all the ideas - I wish I worked with you lot!!!! sometimes I come home with complete 'brain drain' I feel like I'm swimming up-stream all the time- when I took the bags in...everyone looked at me like a nutter and asked if I was going to do some washing-we haven't got a washing machine!!

think I'm going to try the fresh herbs next week, and I love the idea of fishing nets -although that may involve getting the the water tray out - so my name will be mud- again!

Miss Muffet 05-11-2007 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by cabin (Post 6936)
thanks for all the ideas - I wish I worked with you lot!!!! sometimes I come home with complete 'brain drain' I feel like I'm swimming up-stream all the time....

That's what we're all here for, to share our 'wisdom' and help ease each others loads. :cheerful: Aww, I sound like a Hallmark card! :blush: :rotfl:

cybertwin 05-12-2007 09:27 AM

my staff do have good ideas but constantly look at me like i am mad!!! although usually me and deputy have the ideas sort of jointly

you should have seen them the other morning when the box of watering cans i ordered turned up!!!!! loads of blank looks!!! but the children had one each, yes the play area was drowned but they had amazing fun!!!!
i just say trust me and get on with it!

cinders 05-13-2007 01:15 AM

Oooo i LOVE these little bags!! have used them for all sorts of things!

um.... let me try and remember...

1) made counting bags.... weaved a number ontot hte front of the bag (or stitch it on) and then the children have to place that many items in the bag. I like using those little compare bears personally!

2) sound bags.... using the phonetic sounds the children use the bags to collect things that have the initial sound 'a' etc as we go on sound walks around the setting

3) each of the children have a bag on their peg as part of a reward system.... each time they do something good/behave well/achieve something they get a treasure stone (coloured glass pebble thigns) which they put in their treasure bag and then when they get ten they recieve a certificate and a small prize

4) ive used them on visits to the park when we were collecting conkers... each child had a bag they were allowed to fill - meant i didnt end up carrying them all in one big bag! (yay)

5) used them for collecting coloured things too actually as well as the numbers and phonics... same thing!!

6) teddies can use them as back packs/bags to keep their things in!!

and finally..... just give them to the children and se what THEY do with them! never ceases to amaze me!

cybertwin 05-13-2007 07:38 AM

what fab ideas, love the conker collecting one, meaning not having hundreds lying around

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