Silkysteps early years forum - planning ideas for play

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-   -   Unit 022: Outcome 1: Understand the expected patterns of development for children and young people 0 – 19 years (

aristocrate 07-31-2015 08:28 AM

Unit 022: Outcome 1: Understand the expected patterns of development for children and young people 0 – 19 years
Really stuck here..couple of weeks left till I will finish my level 3..
I already made a chart about physical development / communication and language development/ social, emotional and behavioural development from birth - 19 years, and another chart about children Intellectual and cognitive development and Moral development.
My assessor wants me to complete the boxes underneath each age group (0-12 years; 1-3 years etc) asking me to:

For birth to 7 years 'Show where it links to the EYFS and activities for each area which promote development.' and 'Show how to provide activities for each area of development'

If anyone did this too, could you please explain me both parts of the task, not really sure what to write and how to write...

Ruthierhyme 07-31-2015 09:29 AM

Hi you can read about the seven areas of learning in section 1 of the EYFS 2014 framework where you'll see that development links directly - physical development, communication and language, (personal) social, emotional, behavioural development.

Intellectual, cognitive and Moral development - how children take in information so they learn, are able to understand and can make choices about preference, right and wrong you'll see is supported by all the learning areas of EYFS including literacy & mathmatical concepts, creative & understanding the world.

Showing how you provide activities means to use your knowledge of the planning cycle that happens in your setting - how you gather activity ideas, agree developmental benefits, source resources, organise how it's to happen and then reflect on an activities effectiveness.


aristocrate 08-02-2015 07:54 PM

Thanks Ruthierhyme for quick response, but I am still a little bit stuck on that part where I have to 'Show how to provide activities for each area to promote development for Physical development/ Communication and Language Development/
Social, Emotional, and Behavioural Development –

example for the age group from 7 to 12 years would be great.. as I still have to do the same for age group from 12 to 19 years and for another part about moral and intellectual development... really want to hit a brick wall..

Ruthierhyme 08-03-2015 11:14 AM

Hi, if these age groups are not your working experience and it's been agreed that your response to this criteria will be hypothetical you could explain/show how you'd provide activities based on the requirements of the curriculum subject, communication and information sharing with the class teacher regarding individual children's stage of development, activity planning and target setting in a primary or secondary educational setting.

National curriculum for keystages 1 - 4 on

Child development 0 - 19 years on refers to the 2012 EYFS rather than the 2014 edition


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