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shinoto 04-10-2011 10:20 PM

Hello everyone, this is my first time to post a message.
Nice to meet you.

I have been studying NVQ Level2 CCLD since last September.
I always stuck on the assignments as there is too much and English is my second language. To be honest I can hardly keep up with even what my tutors talks about but somehow I've been keeping until now.

However, this time I really stuck on a question.

It's K2D46. It seems like everyone has a different title of assignment though,
mine is Explain what is meant by range of "normal".

First of all I don't really understand what the question means. I read my textbook, CCLD Heinemann to find a hint but couldn't find any topic relating to range of normal.

Could I have any ideas please?

I would also like to ask the worth of this Heinemann's textbook. My tutor recommended me to buy, but I usually can't find a hint or answer which related to assignments.
So I wonder if there is any better book or it is normal that textbooks does not have answer for assignment and you have to think about it by yourself.

Thank you for your attention.


Ruthierhyme 04-12-2011 10:16 AM

Hi, welcome to silkysteps.

Can you speak with your tutor to explain that you're finding it difficult to keep up with research?

In answer, 'normal' refers to a time frame and a pattern, where children's expected stages of development would be reached or achieved.

As an example a child would be expected to begin walking independently from around 10 months old to 18 months - outside of this developmentally 'normal range of time there may be cause for additional support, investigation, celebration. And in the same way the normal range of development would be a pattern of development - which would see a child sit, crawl, pull themselves upright, move around with support of people/walls/furniture on both feet then a step without support, two steps without support, gradually increasing the distance covered, ease of movement, complexity of actions ..

'Normal' has allowance where it recognises each child is individual, unique and where one child will crawl on hands & knees/feet, another will bottom shuffle, another who may have alot of interaction with others may make a transition directly from sitting to walking, another may not walk until 2 years old triggering 'out of the normal range' intervention by agencies and professionals to see what's up/causes of concern ..

This specific section on wikipedia will help you reference back to your Heinemann book - development milestones and normal range

Ready steady baby, ready steady toddler, play talk read are NHS Scotland's pregnancy to 5 programmes, supporting parents in their child's development, they're colourful reads that help look at how wide/narrow the expectations of 'normal are England's nhs 0-5 timeline

I hope this helps, best wishes

shinoto 04-14-2011 10:38 PM


Thank you very much for your reply and big explaination.
I need more time to read and understand well though I thought I would say thank you first to you.

My tutor is kind and say "ask me anything when you don't understand", but it is not easy all the time to ask her.
I was also told that she understood that it would be difficult for me to understand sometimes so she would try to speak slowly but she couldn't do that all the time. I understand that too. She seems very busy as well.

So...I have been struggling to answer the questions by myself. The questions are very hard sometimes. I don't understand even what the questions mean :P But I just have to keep going.

Your kind answer makes me feel better. Thank you again!


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