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sarah8lou 04-20-2013 08:26 PM

Role play!!
I have one final observation at work :D, then that's it. It is as follows....

Plan and carry out a role play activity to support a transitions, e.g. going to school, new baby, going to hospital etc.

That's it! :sarcastic

This is the only one I am unsure of, feel like I am hitting my head :banghead:.

Any ideas of what I could do, I understand if I set up a hospital with the baby dolls etc, but I would surely have to do something within the role play to engage them, ask them things etc!

:dizzy:, any help much appreciated :With love:

mjw76 06-04-2013 05:03 PM

did you have any joy with this, as I've now got to do the same and feel like pulling my hair out!!!

sarah8lou 06-04-2013 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by mjw76 (Post 54083)
did you have any joy with this, as I've now got to do the same and feel like pulling my hair out!!!

Hi, yes I did and it went well.
We have a few children who's mums are expecting a new baby, so I did this....

Baby roll play. I got all our dolls, blankets, toy push chair etc that we have at per-school, I also brought In my daughters old baby bath, crib, baby bottles etc.

I set it all up, and invited the children who's mums were expecting and any other children to come and play. I let them get on, whilst asking who was having a new baby etc, are they excited. What might baby be like -noisy, cry, sleep a lot. Will they help mummy bath the baby etc. should they water be warm or cold. I got a book from the school library about a new baby in the family.
Some children listened to me read it.
I just basically played along with them. We put the babies in the crib, made sure we used blankets carefully etc. talked about what they will eat.
It was fun, it ran its course naturally and as the children got bored or left, others came to play.

To be honest it was the easiest activity I did for my observations!

I'm just waiting now for my qualification to come through. I've basically finished.

Good luck. Keep posting if u need help. :thumbsup:

mjw76 06-04-2013 10:08 PM

Nice one thank you :D

We've got the babies out this week anyway, one of our mum's had a baby during the holidays, plus our ALFA is on houses and homes, so have emailed my assessor to see if the babies would be suitable, she wants to see a plan for it too :-O

Congrats on finishing and qualifying, what are you doing from here or are you leaving it as that?

sarah8lou 06-06-2013 11:47 AM

Well I hope it goes well, remember its about a transition, so a change in a child's life and how what we do can support them through it. So we can role play scenario, and talk about what might happen, how things could change etc. As I said it was the easiest ones I did, as the children made their own way during play, and I furthered their learning through talking and asking questions etc.

I started work in a pre-school Sept 2012, it was temporary whilst I was at college. They have offered me a permanent position now, and possible 1:1 with an autistic boy from September, so it's all very exciting and I am loving it. All very different from going to agricultural college and working with animals :cheerful:

Good luck, sure it will be fine. :thumbsup:

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