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Theresa1980 03-09-2011 08:22 PM

unit 303 help with K3D208, K3D210 K3D213, 214
hi, any help on unit 303 would be much appriciated.
K3D208, K3D210, K3D213 and 214
K3D208 i understand what these mean but dont know how to layout the answers to the question??
K3D214 i understand this question but dont know where to start and how to layout.
any guidelines for these questions would be great as its a big unit.
Thankyou all in advance :)

WittyGem 03-09-2011 11:30 PM

K3D208. formative assessments are ongoing, whereas summative is a one off assessment done normally towards end of year.

K3D210 - Talk about theorist and play such as Piaget and Montessori, what did they say children learn from their play experiences? Vygotsky and Bandura believed in Social theory of play, Montessori opposed imaginery play and Piaget believed repetitive play helped them learn quicker.

K3D213 - Again theorist and developmental views on children.

K3D214 - Stages of growth in children, Cephalo Candal - first control of head and neck muscles, Proximo distal - moving hands and fingers. etc. Not all children will go through same stages at the same age. not all will walk at 11 months etc.

Theresa1980 03-10-2011 12:03 AM

Thanks that will help me loads. any other info on this unit would be very useful. i have just started this unit and its a killer.
could i ask aswell if you have completed K3D217 and if so how did you lay it out?
Thanks again for your quick reply and help :thumbsup:

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