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**hannah** 07-04-2011 11:56 AM

social and emotional development
these are the milestones for social and emotional development taken from the book : Child Development An illustrated guide by carolyn megitt that i somewhat put into my own word, however i need help breaking them into 2 different sections 1- social development and 2- emotional development
iv done some but just not sure on these ones.

5 years -

•Amuses self for long periods of time.
•Enjoys caring for pets. - emotional
•Chooses own friends.
•Have definite likes/dislikes. - emotional
•Shows sympathy and comfort for hurt friends.

10 to 12 year old -

•Identity’s/describes feelings and become self-conscious.
•Highly aware of opposite-***.
•Experiencing puberty.
•More independent – like adult to be present.
•Understand needs/opinions of others.
•Have best-friends and more defined personality.
•Are acutely aware of opposite ***.

tinajpatterson 07-04-2011 06:59 PM

Plays with others sharing and obey rules self assured stable and well adjusted has mood swings and can easily be hurt concerned about rights and wrongs has strong likes and dislikes,can be bossy with friends and might change friends regularly likes to be helpful with chores. Plays well with others but mum is still role model shows sensitivity to others learning to control emotions independent getting dressed + cleaned think about who and what they want to become . Friendships mainly same ***. Fairly independent and confident
By 10 they show interest in the opposite *** by 10 most children want to send their time with friends and not family express their feelings and growing independence and will push boundaries friendships are very important, self conscious , often unsure about changes in settings. Follows rules competent at sharing, confident. Control emotions, can hide true feelings from someone, growing sensitivity and realise other have feelings too. Loyalty, mood swings puberty, aware of opposite *** sensitive to criticism more defined personality
12-16 years
Body changes can upset their self-esteem, need to resolve changes into adulthood, some are more assured about changes in settings, wants to spend more time with friends than family, peer pressure is a significant influence. Anxious over pressures at school, exploring boundaries with main carers.
16-19 years
Friendships are very important, peer approval, pushes at boundaries, personality has developed, hormones are at higher levels as bodies are still changing or for males might just be beginning. Behaviour linked to low esteem they might start trying smoking or drinking.

**hannah** 07-22-2011 05:04 PM

thank you completed it now :)

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