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ellie88 01-29-2008 11:30 PM

requirements of ofsted
was wondering if anyone would be able to help me outline the requirements of ofsted?
bit confussed have checked the website out but not much info on there
please help

Ruthierhyme 01-30-2008 12:40 AM

Hi Ellie,

If you read through the National standards you will see the sort of things OFSTED expect to be in place when they visit.

National Standards for Full Day care from Surestart have a nicely laid out page that explains this - What OFSTED do

Requirements will include:
That all Early years & childcare settings are inspected and registered.
That the standards are known, understood and are being put in place/implemented & used.

Other things will be that may need to be taken into account are things from external agencies - such as health and safety, food hygiene, fire or planning requirements.
Documentation would need to be provided for any of these.
Requirements of Staff qualifications ... please check with your tutor about this before I climb on a :soapbox: lol

The National Standards are:

Standard 1 - Suitable person
Standard 2 - Organisation
Standard 3 - Care, learning and play
Standard 4 - Physical environment
Standard 5 - Equipment
Standard 6 - Safety
Standard 7 - Health
Standard 8 - Food and drink
Standard 9 - Equal opportunities
Standard 10 - Special needs (including special educational needs and
Standard 11 - Behaviour
Standard 12 - Working in partnership with parents and carers
Standard 13 - Child protection
Standard 14 - Documentation
As at - 29th January 2008

These lower more descriptive examples are exerts from

  1. the suitability of adults to care for children
  2. making sure there are sufficient adults to take care of the children
  3. the amount of space
  4. the resources for children�s needs
  5. the activities to develop children�s emotional, physical, social and intellectual capabilities
  6. the safety of the premises
  7. the suitability of furniture, equipment and toys
  8. the prevention of the spread of infection
  9. equality of opportunity for children and those who work with them
  10. the special needs of children
  11. the management of children�s behaviour
  12. the partnership with parents and carers
  13. child protection procedures
  14. keeping records

Let us know if you find out anything else ..

sparky 01-30-2008 12:08 PM

I went round and round in circles trying to find this information until this morning when I found this document called: Framework for the regulation of childminding and day care. It has everything you need to know about Ofsted. It was produced in October 2007 but we hadn't got a copy in our group. You can download it . It helped me loads with unit 418 in my NVQ4

I hope this is helpful to everyone

Ruthierhyme 01-30-2008 04:53 PM

That's excellent Thank you :cheerful:

123 03-10-2008 03:40 PM

Ofsted publications have a lot of doucments to support how you run the setting
One of them is how we inspect childcare and this is the document used by inspectors, its useful to read this and the other publications. Some of them give examples of what outstanding practice look like
A very new document is called 'Getting on well' and gives many examples of good practice and how it looks

safe and sound is about good practice in relation to staying safe outcomes

see link below

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