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Ruthierhyme 10-23-2007 02:07 PM

Clean Mud recipe and instructions
Basic recipe for

Moisturising Soap
White Toilet tissue
Warm water.

Grate the soap into a large washing up bowl / water tray.
Rip and shred the toilet tissue adding it to the bowl as its ripped up.
Pour in a little warm water gradually and mix everything to a clean mud / paste texture :cheerful:

Squish, mould and build cone shaped pyramids !
Use modelling tools like knifes, spatulas and rolling pins !!

Please feel free to add your activity experiences :thumbsup:

Sadierhianne 10-23-2007 04:47 PM

Ruth, I haven't seen this before but like the idea of it - recycled loo roll of course:D

The soap in the link is one of those soaps that absorbs loads of water and goes to mush if it is exposed for any amount of time, it also contains loads of moisturiser and i am not sure if these particular properties are crucial for this activity to work or not?

A more natural soap to try, and one that also absorbs water and can turn to mush if not left to dry is Oliva olive oil soap which is: kind and gentle to the skin; not tested on animals, contains no artificial colours or perfumes, is vegetarian, 100% biodegradable and contains saponified olive oil, water and mineral salts.

I am not sure that it would offer the same results though and so you would have to try it first - it is 79p a bar.


Ruthierhyme 11-21-2007 03:49 PM

This is amazing :D lol .. it's supposed to be for one of the Christmas advent day activities but couldn't wait to post...

What you need

Soap - Grater - Large bowl - Water - Loo roll

The Glitter & extra junk modeling tubs are for modelling the mud on & making :snowman: !! :D

Grate the soap into a large bowl & add shredded paper + water

Mix together ..

Finished 'mud :cheerful:

I am amazed at how 'un bubbly the mixture is .. just really textured & creamy !!

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