Silkysteps early years forum - planning ideas for play

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Muggy 03-28-2006 03:44 PM

Jack and the Beanstalk
For this theme, we read the Jack & The Beanstalk story, let the chidren plant their own beans, they made their own beanstalks out of cardboard tubes and green crepe paper, we talked about how things grow, the gold coins - money, but the best thing was we made a giant beanstalk out of sugar paper for the wall, and every day, after the children had gone home, we added to it and it got bigger every day, and it ended up 'growing' all the way accross the ceiling! The children arrived every morning amazed at how much the beanstalk had grown!

cybertwin 03-28-2006 05:36 PM

we did jack and the bean stalk last week,
made a bean stalk hieght chart, measuring the children
junk modelled castles
planted beans, using flower pots and compost
read the story!!
practised giant steps in gross motor, then pretend climbing, crawling etc


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