Silkysteps early years forum - planning ideas for play

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Sarah12 05-08-2014 08:36 PM

eyfs learning through play?Or not!?rant!
BEWARE RANT!!! I had worked at my last setting for a good few years. A lovely setting which aimed to develop the whole child and everything was learnt through play/went with the childrens interest etc. I have now moved to a school pre school/F1 setting and I am shocked at the difference. I feel it is so advanced and definitly not as fun (from a childs point of view!) They have phonics and maths sessions everyday. The children have reading books which go home and during the session play is often interuppted by the teaching asking them to come and do guided reading. To me I thought that the pre school year was meant to all be about learning through play?! Or, am I wrong?! These children (up to 40 in one session) have to sit for long periods on the carpet and are told they are doing the wrong thing if they wiggle/arent looking and listening. The other day the children had to sit and write the letter C in work books (as part of the phonics session) After less than a minute they were asking if they could go and play to which I had to say no we are sitting and writing! I couldnt believe what I was saying to them. This goes against everything I think is right/what I have learned over the past 7 years!! Also, the resources in the room including at the sand, water, small world, writing station, craft table etc have been exactly the same everyday for the last two weeks! Same things out everyday = loss of interest= bored children = running around the room not doing much/focusing/wanting to learn THROUGH PLAY??!! Anyway, would be really interested to hear other peoples views/experiences of all of this?! do you think its right?

Ruthierhyme 05-08-2014 10:48 PM

Hi, welcome in, outcomes and how to get there are viewed so differently between providers that many a soapbox could be drawn to this podium!

Personally unless you're in a position to influence change I'd say quit, find a setting you're comfortable in and know that the aspirations you've got for children are the most appropriate long term ones xx

Enjoy the site :)

Sarah12 05-08-2014 10:55 PM

Thanks for the reply :) Yep! Leaving is what I am thinking is the best thing to do :) the setting goes against everything I have been taught/experienced during the past years I have worked in early years. Was just interested to hear of what happens in other pre school settings regards to learning etc

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