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brock-cruse 07-05-2008 02:41 PM

ICT...any suitable free downloads?
Our preschool is situated in a village hall and we are unable to get internet access. We have an old battered lap top (bless it!) that we currently use ourselves for forms etc and the children use it to play on. Currently there are quite a few blues clues games downloaded and a couple educational games downloaded from free paper cd. I think there is also a painting programme. I have a few games of my own however they require that the cd be in the laptop. Does anyone know of any suitable games I can download off the internet and could put on the laptop or games that do not require changing cd all the time? Hope you understand what I am saying!
What other ICT things do you do?
Thanks again.

hils 07-08-2008 06:08 PM

Do you have access to a memory card....
Our pre-school until recently was not on the internet so I used to download onto a memory stick and them take into school...
If you have a memory stick let me know and I will try and locate the sites I used....
Thanks hils

brock-cruse 07-08-2008 08:19 PM

Yes I have a memory stick which I use for the laptop. Any info appreciated.

hils 07-10-2008 06:21 PM

have some of the sites I can download them onto memory stick ...(I am trying to locate the stick so I can find the other sites)


Hope these help if you need any further do ask.
thanks Hils

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