Silkysteps early years forum - planning ideas for play

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**hannah** 07-01-2011 01:20 AM

any one done unit 7 (cache level 3 diploma in childcare and education)
is their any tips/ good wesite link you can provide.

its a portfolio unit on Play and learning in children's education

we have to collate a portfolio of research into these topics and write about them .

• The role of the practitioner in meeting children's learning needs
• Current influences on play and on the planning and provision of learning opportunities
• Different theoretical models of how children learn and play
• Assessment through observation to inform planning and respond to individual learning needs
• The use of information from other agencies to contribute to assessment of learning needs
• Planning and providing curriculum activities to promote learning
• Different approaches to planning learning opportunities
• Planning and providing learning opportunities for children of different ages in consultation with parents and others
• Key issues in recording assessments

filling in the criteria below :

E1 Collate evidence which describes the role of the practitioner in meeting children’s
learning needs

E2 Provide information about current influences on play

E3 Provide information about current influences on the planning and provision of learning opportunities

E4 Include examples of different theoretical models of how children play and learn

E5 Include an explanation of how observations can inform planning to meet children’s learning needs

E6 Include TWO (2) examples of information from agencies outside the setting which may contribute to the assessment of learning needs

E7 Include TWO (2) plans for curriculum activities which show different approaches to planning learning opportunities

E8 Include information about the importance of consulting with parents and others when planning and providing learning opportunities

E9 Provide evidence of current and relevant research throughout the portfolio
E10 Show an understanding of diversity and inclusive practice

E11 Include references and a bibliography

D1 Provide evidence of how the planned curriculum activities can promote learning

D2 Include an explanation of the key issues in recording assessments

C1 Analyse the importance of planning and providing learning opportunities to meet children’s diverse needs

C2 Analyse the role of assessment in informing planning and responding to learning needs

B1 Evaluate how the current influences on play and different theoretical models affect the planning and provision of learning opportunities

A1 Include a reflective account of the role of the practitioner in supporting the learning needs of children

shabz05 07-04-2011 02:11 PM

hiya its quite easy.the question requires simlpe sentences relating what y,hope that helpsou do at your play setting.ask a work college to help

**hannah** 07-22-2011 05:10 PM

i have to write at least a page for each criteria refering to my evidence along the way. and i have finnished college and work placement for the summer. was just wondering if anyone had any good website links or anything to help me along the way.

Cass23 09-07-2011 07:17 PM

Hi Hannah your the only person I have found that is doing a Level 3 diploma in childcare and education, although it was only a brief search.
Im starting on Monday and have been given a induction task abut multi agency workers, was wondering if you know any good link etc, or how to answer this question...

Can you identify the professionals who might work with A 6 year old child from Poland who has just arrived in the country.

Hope you can help thank you x

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