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Brandy 02-28-2008 07:11 PM

free flow inside outside play
:cheerful:in our setting we are going to introduce free flow inside and outside play we have been told by our EYA that we need to reflect the 6 areas of learning inside ond outside and they need to complement each other eg big bricks outside little ones inside, sand inside sand outside, large brushes and buckets out small brushes inside on easel. type of thing.

does anyone have any ideas for collections of things we can have in boxes for outside play, we have a list obvious stuff, like fir cones, brushes and buckets, pegs and line etc, we are looking for ideas please!:smile:

does anyone do this and how does it work for you ?

sparky 02-28-2008 09:42 PM

We do free flow on the days we have four staff - with 2 inside and 2 outside and the children split between inside and outside.

We tend to have different experiences outside. For instance this week we have had bikes, prams and scooters at one end of the patio with water painting (decorators brushes), musical instruments, large cars. We are restricted at the moment as the grassed area is very long and as most parents don't provide wellys for their children we only allow them on the grass if they have wellys. In the summer we have a much wider range of things out for them to do.

Also we find the weather affects what we do outside too.

We find free flow great in as much as the inside area is much quieter. We have also found that some of the children who are so full of energy are much calmer outside.

Its still early days for us and are still finding our feet with it!

Butterflyfllutterby 02-28-2008 11:55 PM

Hi Brandy,

This is a list of equipment that we have been given:

Rain gear and wellies

Blankets, sheets, and ribbons, in various colours, shiny netting, etc

natural materials such as pebbles, shells etc

wood pieces & logs

Large hollow wooden blocks and planks

Milk, bread, and beer crates

ropes long and short (Needs adequate supervision)

bags and baskets, including back packs, suitcases and a shopping trolley

containers all sorts including flower pots


brushes - wide range of decorating brushes and brooms

kitchen utensils, pots and pans (good for music percussion)

hose pipe

guttering and pipes and builders cement-mixing trays


clothes horse (the old wooden ones are best)

tyres: range of sizes

Garden tools: long and short handled fork, spades and rake

Wheelbarrows and other transporters

watering cans


joining materials such as pegs, strings and tape

This web site may be useful

Brandy 02-29-2008 07:59 AM

thanks for the list very useful will show my supervisor today.

Ruthierhyme 03-03-2008 10:50 AM

This is a good thread :smile:

Xylophones and windchimes.

Have seen sturdy tall glasses filled with different quantities of water and a small wooden hammer nearby for tapping the sides & making music notes .. not sure plastic would work the same !?

Making Popcorn outdoors is always fun :D We'd use an electric one now so would need an extention lead or outdoor safety socket!

A selection of 'movers - Spoons, tongs, forks, spades, trowels, tweezers, pinchers.

Outdoor dressing up ?

Chelltune 03-03-2008 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by sparky (Post 11021)
We are restricted at the moment as the grassed area is very long and as most parents don't provide wellys for their children we only allow them on the grass if they have wellys. In the summer we have a much wider range of things out for them to do.

Could you not provide wellies or ask parents to donate outgrown ones? My daughters nursery have a shelf full of wellies and also waterproof trousers.

sparky 03-03-2008 09:15 PM

Thats something we are thinking about at the moment.

Got told off by a Dad today he said "what are you doing letting my daughter play outside on such a cold day". Told him it was his daughters choice and that she loved being outside. He said "but her tights are all dirty" - I told him to provide wellys and smiled sweetly at him

Chelltune 03-03-2008 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by sparky (Post 11071)
Thats something we are thinking about at the moment.

Got told off by a Dad today he said "what are you doing letting my daughter play outside on such a cold day". Told him it was his daughters choice and that she loved being outside. He said "but her tights are all dirty" - I told him to provide wellys and smiled sweetly at him

Goodness me, I always see dirty clothes as a sign that they've been busy and had fun. It doesn't matter how cold it is as long as they have some winter woolies. :thumbsdow

sally23 03-03-2008 10:22 PM

Totally agree - we have just done some fundraising and managed to buy all the children an all in one waterproof suit and the parents provide wellys. We spend all wednesday mornings out in the local woods having an 'Outdoor Experience' which is loosley based on the Forest School. Each week we have a different theme - this week we are going pond dipping and looking for frogspawn to link into lifecycles. We have camp fires and plant flowers the children love the freedom of being outdoors and being able to climb. We are very lucky we are in a lovely village with fantastic outdoor facilities - mind you we have none of our own as we are in a village hall!

Ruthierhyme 03-03-2008 10:51 PM

Sounds wonderful :cheerful:

FEI - Forest Education Initiative is a good place for more information on Forest Schools & if anyone has other links / resources they find useful, please post ..

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