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susiecute 12-30-2011 03:26 PM

Cyp3.7 3.2 Explain Importance Of Positive Attitudes Towards Disability And Specific Requirements
Could someone help me please, trying to finish this one quickly, and if any
one has information on 2.4 how to support children and yp according to age, needs and abilities to make personnal choices and experiences that have a positive impact on their live.

Hope someone can help. Hope you all had a good Christmas.
Happy New Year. Susiecute:With love:

wendy bob 12-30-2011 03:45 PM

Hi Susie,
think about what the child needs for example you would not give the same choices to a child of 5 as you would to a child of 10, a child of 10 could cope with more complex experiences etc hope this gives you some help x

kerensab91 07-16-2013 02:22 PM

can anyone please give me some info on this question
im banging my head of a brick wall:banghead:

Why are positive attitudes towards disability and specific requirements important

LKP 07-20-2013 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by kerensab91 (Post 54701)
can anyone please give me some info on this question
im banging my head of a brick wall:banghead:

Why are positive attitudes towards disability and specific requirements important

I'm not sure if you still need the help, but it's here anyway :)

Think about what would happen if you treated a child in a wheelchair different to someone who wasn't, would that be seen as positive or negative? Perhaps a child has diabetes, would you do a food tasting lesson with things they couldn't possibly eat, therefore they missed out on that activity? A good example to think about is the Olympics and Paralympics last year, not just one were celebrated but both.
By implementing positive attitudes towards disabilities and specific requirements we are not concentrating on what they cannot do but how we can help them achieve what they may lack in doing by themselves. By meeting their needs we are recognising and supporting them rather than singling out as special needs. In my setting, we have a child on the autistic spectrum, with other additional needs including intolerance to many food groups and lack of sensitivity in the jaw. We are aware of the provisions put in place to support him. For example, at snack time as he has certain food requirements, we ensure that they are met and he can sit with others whilst eating with supervision, without making him feel negative or excluding him from the activities other children do because of these requirements.
By doing this we are providing an inclusive setting and children with a disability or specific requirements are building up there confidence and supporting them in their development in which differs to others. This also helps teach other children see that no child is deserves to be treated differently because of their requirements.

hope this helps :thumbsup:

kaneez77 12-21-2016 04:15 PM

2.2 Explain the importance of positive attitudes and respect towards
a. values
b. beliefs
c. cultures
d. religion
e. disability
f. preferences
g. specific requirements
h. family circumstances

Please can someone help mind is totally blank
Thanks :SOS help

Charlotteisobelle 09-17-2017 11:07 AM

Hi! Did you manage to get the answer to this as I'm losing the will to live haha�� I'm really struggling so any help would be great! Thank you so much Charlotte x

student/help 12-28-2017 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by kaneez77 (Post 62411)
2.2 Explain the importance of positive attitudes and respect towards
a. values
b. beliefs
c. cultures
d. religion
e. disability
f. preferences
g. specific requirements
h. family circumstances

Please can someone help mind is totally blank
:SOS help

hey did u manage to get this done? I'm stuck on it

kaneez77 12-29-2017 12:56 PM

yes I did which one are you stuck on. I took so long doing this one so I know it does ur head in. have u done any of them from a - h. Sorry which unit was this again.

kaneez77 12-29-2017 01:05 PM

Here some of what I have written rest link to ur own practice ok, Hope this helps a lot.

.2 Explain the importance of positive attitudes and respect toward:


Values are about our personal principles and morals. Each child is unique and has their own personal values and beliefs which include their culture, religion and personal experiences that they consider to be important.


Beliefs are an important part of our identity whether they be religious, cultural or moral.


When we have a positive an attitude and respect towards the children culture, it helps them develop their identity and self-esteem, also that they belong to the community.


We should make the children aware of the different religions of the children we have in the setting and teach them how to respect each religion so that the child has a positive attitude and behaviour towards the children with different religions. Disability

It is very important that every child with a disability gets included in everything we do in the setting. The more "you can do it" attitude we give the child he/she will feel included.


It's is very important that we discuss the preferences of a child with their parents and then make sure we apply them in the setting. Maybe a child has a nut allergy or is a vegetarian or maybe only eat halal meat.

Specific requirements

The cook in my setting who is responsible for the preparation and handling of food is fully aware of and complies with the regulations relating to food safety and hygiene.

Family circumstances

Every child's development is influenced by their parents and carers, that's why we have the policy to work in partnership with them. Most of the parents do a good job in the care and providing for their children, but some parents are not able to cope so well, this could affect the way a child progresses at home and in the setting.

student/help 12-29-2017 06:36 PM

thank you so much for your help, i''ve got an idea on what I should be doing now.
much appreciated

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